- 游戏:
- Armed Assault
- 版本:
- 1.00
- 描述:
- Suspend execution of function or SQF based script until condition is satisfied.
This command will loop and call the code inside {} mostly every frame (depends on complexity of condition and overall engine load) until the code returns true. The execution of the rest of the script therefore will be suspended until waitUntil condition is satisfied and the loop is aborted.
Because of this script suspension use spawn or execVM to safely execute code containing waitUntil.
- 范例1:
waitUntil { not alive player };
- 范例2:
_i = 0; waitUntil { _i = _i + 1; _i >= 100 };
- 范例3:
waitUntil {sleep 0.1; not alive player };
- 范例4:
- An on-the-fly custom event handler:
_myEH = ["ZoomIn"] spawn { while { true } do { waitUntil { inputAction (_this select 0) == 1; }; diag_log format ["%1 @ %2", _this select 0, diag_tickTime]; }; };
Although perhaps better to use onEachFrame, depending on the application.
- 多人游戏:
- -
- 也可以看看:
- sleepuiSleepcanSuspendspawnexecVMwhileControl Structures
- Posted on September 20, 2013
- Killzone_Kid
- In case you have more complex code inside waitUntil loop, to be on the safe side always return boolean at the end of the scope:
player addEventHandler ["Fired", { _null = (_this select 6) spawn { _p = [0,0,0]; waitUntil { if (isNull _this) exitWith {true}; _p = getPos _this; false //<-- boolean at the end of the scope }; hint str _p; }; }];
- Posted on December 20, 2006 - 19:55
- CrashDome
- waitUntil suspends both SQF functions and SQF scripts. In functions, the calling script is still in suspension due to waiting for a return from the call command. The game engine will continue, however. See Function for more detail.
- Posted on April 2, 2010 - 17:10
- Roehre
- If WaitUntil uses an undefined call code, WaitUntil won't release, even when this code is separated from other conditions through or. Be warned that this won't cause an error message.
- Posted on Jan 07, 2011
- kju
- By default the cycle time for the condition check is per frame. Look at the example 3, how to set it at a lower rate yourself. Often times one does not need per frame checking. Saves a lot CPU checks; especially when the condition is complex to compute.
Bottom Section
- Posted on December 13, 2014 - 23:25 (UTC)
- Commy2
If you want to use waitUntil together with exitWith, remember that the loop only exits if the code block returns true.
It should look like this:waitUntil { // exit loop if the unit gets deleted if (isNull _unit) exitWith {true}; // has to return true to continue !alive _unit; };