武装突袭 Wiki

Operation Flashpoint Version History from v1.00 till v1.46

For versions after v1.46 check here. You can find the download links for all patches of OFP here.

Patch v1.46[]

(from v1.30)

New features[]

  • Last-played campaign is selected in the Campaign book.
  • When a user with a different version is connected, a message containing version information is shown.
  • Colors in multiplayer setup dialogs.
  • Soldiers are now better able to aim downwards.
  • Support for simple tables in html files.
  • New scripting function: array set [index,value].
  • New scripting function: array resize newSize.
  • Briefings can be previewed in the mission editor (hold SHIFT when pressing the "Preview" button).
  • Two quote marks encountered in a script expression are parsed as a quote mark.
  • When a starshell is lit, script onFlare.sqs in mission directory is called. Received [[R, G, B], gunner], where R, G, B is the light color from <0, 1>.


  • Memory usage for MC animations optimized. Most MC Data loaded only when needed.
  • SW T&L terrain color randomization removed. This makes terrain memory usage lower. Note: This feature was never present in HW T&L

Bug fixes[]

  • Fixed (1.46): Destroyed barrels and other empty objects are not reported in statistics nor added to score
  • Fixed (1.46): More ammo for Reammo Ural (same as for Reammo 5tTruck).
  • Fixed (1.46): Appropriate picture for Cessna.
  • Fixed (1.46): 8 men can be transported in Hind's cargo.
  • Fixed (1.46): Helicopter landing with keyboard impossible. When landing, helicopter stops hovering above the ground.
  • Fixed (1.46): Bug in HW T&L code: Material change was sometimes not recognized when polygons shared texture. This caused some trees were rendered darker.
  • Fixed (1.46): net.log file is not being created.
  • Fixed (1.46): Grid location in map one digit only in 1.45
  • Fixed: OGG and JPG files now not compressed during mission export; this bug resulted in ineffective streaming audio support in custom missions.
  • Fixed: Barrels and similiar objects were indestructible.
  • Fixed: Fuel stations now explode when destroyed.
  • Fixed: Vehicle explosions caused no damage to nearby soldiers / objects.
  • Fixed: Briefing HTML error could cause the game to crash during mission startup when malformed HTML was loaded in some custom missions.
  • Fixed: Scripting: Leading and trailing spaces were considered to be a part of label name.
  • Fixed: When an enemy was killed, the killer was always detected, even when there was no one able to detect him. (He was detected by the dead unit).
  • Fixed: When out of memory, the application was crashing. A message should now be shown instead.
  • Fixed: Years in dates now work properly.
  • Fixed: Free look mode is now switched off when getting in/out of vehicle or when a mission is restarted.
  • Fixed: When no display adapter is selected in preferences and no adapter is recognized, select the first one. This resolves the "Cannot create 3D device: Adapter -1" error message.
  • Fixed: Airplane: Autodetection of joystick / keyboard thrust was wrong. After using joystick thrust it was impossible to switch back to keyboard thrust.
  • Fixed: Airplane engines turned off on bumpy surfaces during takeoff, making takeoff with a joystick impossible outside the airport.
  • Fixed: Windows clipboard copy sometimes did not work correctly when non-text data were already stored in cliboard.
  • Fixed: Sometimes the camera followed the wrong person if two players got into a vehicle simultaneously in MP.
  • Fixed: Tanks were jumping after being hit from small weapons.
  • Fixed: Long environmental sounds streaming was not working.
  • Added: Support for looping streaming sounds.
  • Fixed: Scripting: Array parsing inside of brackets was wrong. Example of wrong expression: (+[0]).
  • Fixed: Crashes in MP if player waits in lobby and game is in progress
  • Fixed: Great Monolith gradually growing out of the water after mission reload near A1 grid. (Thanks to WKK Gimbal for discovering when this bug happens.)
  • Fixed: Random crash when custom face texture file was corrupted.
  • Fixed: After MP game in roles display, commanders were red (non ready), but had not button "I'm ready".
  • Fixed: MP: When moving during get in animation, player could see himself as running on top of a vehicle after getting in.
  • Fixed: AI tanks were able to climb hills too fast.
  • Fixed: Infinite loop in script caused game freeze.
  • Fixed: CreateUnit failed when init was specified and could cause crash.
  • Fixed: Crash in joining to empty group.
  • Fixed: Dead AI unit blocked getting out for other AI units in the same vehicle.
  • Changed: Limited helicopter climbing in high altitudes. Maximum possible altitude is now about 2500 m.
  • Helicopter height limit when flying with keyboard removed in multiplayer or veteran mode. It is still used in SP cadet mode.
  • Fixed: Helicopter collective was too sensitive near joystick center position.
  • Cessna flight model and AI pilot improved. (Thanks to WKK Gimbal for a suggestion how to fix it.)
  • Fixed: Airplane joystick throttle was reversed.
  • Airplane climbing in high altitudes limited. Maximum possible altitude is now about 12000 m.
  • Fixed: Player only partially removed from group after respawning to sea-gull. This caused corrupted group list drawing and repeating "xxx is down" message after "Report status" was issued.
  • Fixed: Addons could change config entries that should not be changed, namely base class definiton of ,any class, leading to dammaged functionality or bogus "... uses modified config file" messages.
  • Config protection message "... uses modified config file" is now more specific, the exact location of changed value is displayed.
  • CfgSurfaces protected against addon modification.

Patch v1.30[]

(from v1.20)

New vehicles[]

  • BRDM
  • BMP-2
  • OH-58D Kiowa Warrior
  • Bradley

New weapons[]

  • G36A
  • Bizon
  • Steyr Aug
  • M16 with optics

New single-player missions[]

  • C01Convoy
  • C02Battlefields
  • B01: Ground Attack II
  • B02: HMMWV
  • B03: Chinook

New multi-player missions[]

  • 1-7_C_Oilwar
  • 1-8_C_DesertAmbush
  • 1-9_T_Conquerors
  • 1-10_T_TeamFlagFight

Fixes & Improvements[]


  • Game lobby improved (Game in progress screen contain more information).
  • Voting now possible (missions, kick, restart, reassign).
  • Dedicated server is reporting itself to Gamespy.
  • Network parameter adjustments can be made in Flashpoint.cfg.
  • Bandwidth usage significantly optimized.
  • Ping times are now shown in game lobby and in players overview.
  • Decreased lag when hitting other units.
  • Server performance (CPU load) improved.
  • Server stability improved.
  • Respawning bugs fixed.
  • Vehicle boarding / disembarking / ejecting bugs fixed.
  • Session stability bugs fixed.
  • Fixed - AI killing team killers after respawn.
  • Manual fire enabled if gunner is not another player.
  • Fixed - unkickable ghost players occasionally appeared in player list.
  • Fixed - helicopter gunner did not see any units on the radar.


  • New laser target designators, laser guided bombs and missiles.
  • Several crash bugs fixed.
  • Speed of sound delay is now calculated for almost all sounds.
  • New w-buffer and multitextuing options to help with compatibility issues (Video / Options).
  • AI improved, better reaction to sound, improved bush visibility model.
  • Several ammo and armor parameters were adjusted to be more realistic (including Sabot ammo, AA missiles, ZSU ammo, A10 armor).
  • Boat bugs fixed (east boat gunner, water splash).
  • Soldiers and cars can no longer stay and fire under water.
  • Fixed minor bugs in HW T&L lighting model.
  • Bullet tracers were missing since 1.20. They are now optional (see Options / Difficulty).
  • Tank was wobbling when driving with mouse. Fixed.
  • Airplane ground target engaging improved.
  • Ejection from plane is real ejection, not only jumping out. AI attempts to eject from damaged plane or helicopter.
  • Sky drawing optimized; this can help framerate in high resolutions.
  • Empty tractor and sports cars were flying 1 m above ground. Fixed.
  • iFeel mouse effects did not work. Fixed.
  • When mission was saved while car was braking, car was sometimes frozen after load. Fixed.
  • Player character was sprinting when running up very steep hill. Fixed.

Patch v1.20[]

(from v1.00 and v1.10)

New Features[]

  • Steering wheel Force Feedback.
  • iFeel mouse force feedback support.
  • Joystick axis configuration.
  • Joystick support.
  • Pixel shader (1.0) used during night rendering.
  • AT3 (BMP missile) is guided manually (when not locked).
  • Configuration for zoom on right mouse button
  • Rifle recoil to force feedback effect conversion
  • Multiplayer mission wizard
  • Dedicated server support
  • Dedicated server command #shutdown
  • Dedicated server command #reassign
  • MP, Anticheat: Config integrity verification.
  • MP, Anticheat: Exe integrity verification.
  • Additional program parameters - port=... - password=...


  • Damper effects on car wheels is stronger and better visible.
  • Improved: Squad verification is processes on background and no longer causes server to wait.
  • Server display design
  • Context.bin contains more info about process memory.
  • Tank climbing on very steep hills (45-60%)
  • User actions enabled also for AI units
  • Squad validation on server is now processed asynchronously
  • Turret response to aiming quicker.
  • MGun recoil effect was too strong, it was weakened.
  • Temporary directory on server in now Tmp<port> instead of Tmp
  • Multiplayer session description
  • MP code


  • Fixed: Lens-flares are no longer colored in night vision.
  • Fixed: Night vision with HW T&L has no longer colored areas near light.
  • Fixed: Bad state of main menu (no background cutscene). Happens after disconnect from multiplayer game started with command "-connect" or -host.
  • Fixed: AI not attacking on weapon-less targets.* Fixed: Crew leg position after mounting vehicl on the hillside.
  • Fixed: M2 static gun was visible on tank rada.
  • Fixed: fire weapon effects in multiplayer
  • Fixed: Discrepancy between conditions for getting in and automatical eject.
  • Fixed: Landing autopilot now work for all planes both on Everon and Malden.
  • Fixed: Random crash caused occasinally by helicopter flying in formation.
  • Fixed: occasional random crash after unit destroyed.
  • Fixed: Night landscape lighting (terrain was black sometimes even directly undeer lamppost).
  • Fixed: Unit repeats ask for support
  • Fixed: Boat gunner zoom is now limited.
  • Fixed: Apache Hellfires disappers from pylons after release.
  • Fixed: Texture mapping on flags (about 1/8 of texture was skipped).
  • Fixed: Incorrect texture source (like JPG file not loaded) crashes.
  • Fixed: drag & drop empty item in listbox disabled
  • Fixed: Right mouse buttom always zoomed regardless of the controls customization.
  • Fixed: Initial state of ammunition was bad on gunner's computer
  • Fixed: bug in function "removeAction"
  • Fixed: score does not work if squad id entered
  • Multiplayer - Fixed: Ammo reload by gunner in MP (sabot / heat switching)
  • Multiplayer - Fixed: changes of weapons in briefing are sent over network in MP

New Weapons[]

  • AH64 "Apache"
  • Ch47-D "Chinook"

New Missions[]

  • Sector Control (Team)
  • Lost Squad (Cooperative)
  • Return to Eden (Cooperative)

Patch v1.10[]

New Features[]

  • Customised faces can now be inserted for use in multi-player games, in JPG format.
  • "Walking" mode can be toggled with the 'F' key.
  • It is now possible to turn while reloading.
  • Weapon shadows now reflect the actual weapon held.
  • You can now move when using optics while crouched.
  • You will experience reduced weapon recoil when crouching.
  • It is now possible to sprint when using an ironsight view.
  • Even small hand injuries now cause some weapon trembling.
  • Heavy breathing will cause increased weapon trembling.
  • AI characters now use the "walking with rifle" animation when appropriate.
  • The "NEXT WAYPOINT" command has been implemented for any selected unit - not just the player-commanded vehicle.
  • A server can kick players from the "Players" dialog.
  • A warning message box will be shown in the server briefing if all players are not ready.
  • Blood now appears before an injury is critical.
  • Titles were shown at unlimited distance - distance is now limited to 100m.
  • The ability to create user-defined actions has been introduced.
  • The crash info file context.bin contains more information: CPU registers and version info are saved.
  • Squad pictures and titles are now shown on client machines.
  • New support and checks for add-ons, referenced to version number.


  • AI visual and audible enemy detection is improved, especially for prone targets.
  • AI night vision is less effective.
  • AI now put on/take off NV goggles where appropriate.
  • Interior collisions are improved.
  • Soldiers report sooner for medical assistance.
  • Air friction physics modelling on missiles improved.
  • The LAW and RPG are now faster and burn most of their fuel while in the tube.
  • Missile fire tail is no longer drawn when fuel is burnt out.
  • Airplane target engaging is improved.
  • Airplanes lose less speed while turning.
  • Even if 'turned in', the gunner is now drawn in the external camera view.
  • When connecting through GameSpy arcade, you can now interrupt a "waiting for server" message.
  • Only assigned players, not all connected players, are now shown in a multiplayer game.
  • The design of the server briefing dialog and chat systems has been improved.
  • More transfered properties in multiplayer have been added for airplanes.
  • A more robust handling of the "maximum texture size" and "out of memory" conditions has been introduced.
  • "Invalid vehicle types" are handled better.
  • M113 gunner view improved.
  • Seagull handling improved.
  • Connect/disconnect messages are now localized.
  • Guard band clipping enabled - this solves some issues with clipping sun on nVidia cards, and also increasesperformance on TnT family cards.
  • All reward/penalty cutscenes now marked as played when appropriate.

Mission Fixes[]

  • Single Mission - 05 Heavy Metal - Mission would rarely not finish.
  • Single Mission - 09 Sniper Team - CPU saboteurs not moving.
  • Single Mission - 10 Commander - Occasionally didn't end.
  • Campaign - 03b Alert - Radio calls M113 'unknown'.
  • Campaign - 12 Spearhead - Spelling errors in briefing.
  • Campaign - 38 StatusQuo - Crash at Laruns.
  • Campaign - 38 StatusQuo - Spanish briefing.


  • Fixed - Problems with prone soldiers invulnerable to being run over.
  • Fixed - Hardware T&L daytime light glitches.
  • Fixed - Watch and compass animations under hardware T&L.
  • Fixed - Problems with compass and watch on re-trying a mission.
  • Fixed - Graphical corruption with Voodoo 3s under Glide.
  • Fixed - In-game resolution switches causing some graphical corruption with certain cards.
  • Fixed - Spinning sight view with an unloaded rocket launcher on your back.
  • Fixed - Preferences resolution not matching in-game selection.* Fixed - Keyboard input disabled during mission loading
  • Fixed - "3rd person view" difficulty option not functioning correctly.
  • Fixed - Autodetect settings for file & texture heap wrong if <128MB reported by Windows.
  • Fixed - Double music volume in Audio options.
  • Fixed - Problems with map marker centring after installation or creating a new user.
  • Fixed - Crash without ammo in ship simulation.
  • Fixed - Save-game corruption if save called when training target was being destroyed.
  • Fixed - User cannot be deleted sometimes.
  • Fixed - Mission objectives not always correctly updated after load.
  • Fixed - Soldier very rarely stays frozen in mid-air when getting out of a vehicle, until moved.
  • Fixed - "End" button in "Player Killed" screen was handled incorrectly.
  • Fixed - Sports car speedometer moving in the wrong direction.
  • Fixed - Friendly units info on map in veteran mode.
  • Visibility during stand up/lay down transitions now correct.
  • Sometimes a tank was aiming at a target in 'prepare' mode only, because the target was already inactive. The tank commander now cancels target in such a situation.
  • When a tank commander was changing weapons often, the weapon change command was sometimes lost. This has been fixed.
  • Minor night-time visibility bugs resolved.
  • AI soldiers watched non-combat enemies, which made weapon selection unstable. Binoculars were also selected for no apparent reason. Only combat enemies are watched now.
  • Tank commander weapon selection is now more stable, especially when engaging cars.
  • When there were no dangerous enemies visible, the importance of weak targets was overestimated. As a result, much stronger weapons were selected than necessary. This problem has been resolved.
  • Camera position is now clipped, so that the camera does not look through objects.
  • Night vision equipment now visible on dead soldiers where appropriate.
  • Reloading with weapon on back is now disabled.


  • Fixed - Problems when two players get into a vehicle simultaneously.
  • Fixed - "Hide body" sometimes not working.
  • Fixed - Vehicle shaking problem.
  • Fixed - Respawn and "high speed soldier" bugs if killed while getting into a vehicle.
  • Fixed - Disabling radio subtitles removes chat ability.
  • Fixed - Procedure "moveInGunner" is now multi-player safe.
  • Fixed - Procedure "moveInDriver" is now multi-player safe.
  • Fixed - Procedure "moveInCommander" is now multi-player safe.
  • Fixed - Procedure "moveInCargo" is now multi-player safe.
  • Fixed - Score register.
  • Fixed - Player assignment bugs.