武装突袭 Wiki

This table lists the DestrTypes and the locations within the game configs where they are used.

Information specific to Data3d.pbo is in normal text.

Information specific to Res\Addons\O.pbo is marked in bold.

Cold War Crisis & Resisitance[]


Used In


#define destructno 0
class ParachuteBase: Helicopter
class LaserTarget: All
#define destructbuilding 1
class Danger: FlagCarrier
class Fortress1: Strategic
class Table: Thing
class Tablemap: Table
class Chair: Table
class Phone: Table
class PhoneBase: Table
class Camera1: Table
class Computer: Table
class ChairHangar: Table
class ChairX: Table
class VideoTable: Table
class TablePub: Table
class Radio: Table
class ChairSmall: Table
class Crawling: Camp
#define destructengine 2
class ReammoBox: Strategic
class HeavyReammoBox: Strategic
class MachineGunBox: Strategic
class BarrelHelper: Thing
class JeepWreck1: Camp
class JeepWreck2: Camp
class JeepWreck3: Camp
class M113Wreck: Camp
class UralWreck: Camp
class Body: Camp
class FuelStation: Strategic
class Bomb: Strategic
#define destructtree 3
class Target: Strategic
#define destructtent 4
class Camp: Strategic
#define destructman 5
#define destructdefault 6
class All

#define destructtree 3 class StreetLamp