- 游戏:
- Armed Assault
- 版本:
- 1.00
- 描述:
- Find display by its IDD (which is defined in the description.ext or config).
If the specified display can't be found displayNull ("No display") is returned, (which can be tested with the isNull command.) The primary display uses IDD 46. (eg: findDisplay 46). This will return displayNull on a dedicated server (so be sure to check isDedicated if using this in a waitUntil condition).
- 范例1:
_display = findDisplay 1;
- 多人游戏:
- -
- 也可以看看:
- displayCtrlcreateDisplaycreateDialogdialogdisplayNullcontrolNullisNullcreateDisplayctrlCreatedisplayParent
- Posted on 15 June 2008
- Kronzky
findDisplay does not find displays defined under RscTitles (even when they are visible).
To access those types of displays, either assign the resource to a global variable, or pass its this value to a script, during the onLoad event: e.g.class RscTitles { class MyRsc { onLoad = "myDisplay = (_this select 0)"; // or // onLoad = "_this execVM 'myDialog.sqf'"; ...
You can then use the stored value as you would for regular dialogs:
(myDisplay displayCtrl 1111) ctrlSetText "hello there");
- Posted on 17 March 2010
- Hendo
- I posted a tutorial on finding and using displays here.
- Posted on 07 March 2014
- EUTWtrnapster
- The Zeus Display uses IDD 312
Bottom Section
- Posted on March 25, 2015 - 22:04 (UTC)
- Austin medic
Display 12 is map