The Toolbar is displayed at the top of the Workspace. It provided quick access to commonly used actions and tools. File:3den toolbar.jpg
Toolbar Buttons[]
Icon | Description |
File:3den toolbar new.png | Open a dialog to create a new scenario |
File:3den toolbar open.png | Open a dialog to choose a scenario to open |
File:3den toolbar save.png | Save the current scenario. If it hasn't been saved yet, open a dialog to save the scenario with specific name. |
File:3den toolbar steam.png | Open Workshop Scenario Management window, from which you can publish the scenario to the Steam Workshop. Only scenario which is already saved can be published. |
File:3den toolbar undo.png | Undo the last completed action. |
File:3den toolbar redo.png | Redo the last undone action. |
File:3den toolbar widget none.png | Toggle the transformation widget off. |
File:3den toolbar widget translation.png | Toggle the translation widget. |
File:3den toolbar widget rotation.png | Toggle the rotation widget. |
File:3den toolbar widget scaling.png | Toggle the area scaling widget. |
File:3den toolbar widget global.pngFile:3den toolbar widget local.png | Toggle between global and local coordinate space for the transformation widget.
File:3den toolbar vert ATL.pngFile:3den toolbar vert ASL.png | Toggle between translation parallel to the surface level and parallel to the sea level.
File:3den toolbar snap on.pngFile:3den toolbar snap.png | Toggle ground snapping. When on, entity will be snapped to the ground surface when it gets near it during translation editing. |
File:3den toolbar grid translation.png | Toggle or set the translation grid. |
File:3den toolbar grid rotation.png | Toggle or set the rotation grid. |
File:3den toolbar grid scaling.png | Toggle or set the area scaling grid. |
File:3den toolbar intel.png | Open scenario attributes dialog. |
File:3den toolbar map.png | Toggle between Scene (3D) and Map (2D) view. |
File:3den toolbar flashlight.png | Toggle flashlight. At night, it will light up the immediate surroundings of the camera. |
File:3den toolbar vision normal.png | Toggle vision mode.
File:3den toolbar phase.png | Select the scenario phase. |
File:3den toolbar help tutorial.png | Open tutorial dialog. You can pick from various courses which will guide you through basic Editor features. |